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Award Description
The Institute for Field Research (IFR) believes in immersion experiences and the power of mentorship to change the lives of aspiring scholars. To that end, the IFR has donated $2,000 to the Society for American Archaeology to support undergraduate student travel to attend the 2020 SAA Annual Meeting. The SAA will select several qualified undergraduate students from a pool of applicants, on a competitive basis, to receive travel awards up to $1,000.
Who Is Eligible to Submit Nominations or Apply for the Award
To be eligible for this award an applicant must be (1) a member of the SAA in good standing, (2) currently enrolled as a full-time student in a college or university undergraduate program, and (3) at least 18 years old at the time the 2020 SAA Annual Meeting begins. Any student may apply regardless of school, national origin, citizenship, residence, gender, race, color, religion, gender identity, or disability.
Nomination/Submission Materials Required
The application materials should have a cover letter (500 words maximum) that includes, (1) an explanation of your goals for attending the SAA Annual Meeting; (2) how attending would further your academic or life goals; (3) how you would participate in the Annual Meeting; (4) who will be submitting a letter of recommendation; (5) a brief description of your travel plans; and (6) how much you are requesting (up to $1,000). In addition, the application should include, (1) a budget on separate sheet that itemizes your expected expenses (up to $1,000) and other sources of support; and (2) an unofficial copy of your current college transcript that shows courses, grades, and GPA.
Submit materials to the Committee Chair: Scott Van Keuren, Department of Anthropology, University of Vermont, Email: [email protected]