Preserving and Studying Utah’s Mining Heritage The history of Western mining is also the history of technological development and change.Not to mention, the history of miners’ communities.It’s no exaggeration to say that some of the greatest engineering accomplishments in the Western U.S. are underground.Utah has many different kinds of resources. Coal, precious metals, industrial metals, and uranium lie across our landscape.Coal contributed in a major way to the development of railroads, which themselves helped mine bring ore to market.But the nature of mining, especially precious metals mining is a boom and bust.Mines and mining towns don’t disappear: they just go underground!And the Utah miners themselves are still here!The Abandoned Mine Reclamation Program closes abandoned mines to improve public safety.This mine has been closed off with a metal grate that still let’s visitors see the narrow gauge rail that would have transported minerals and miners.Some large shafts, like this one, will have a rebar grid installed over them to prevent fatal falls.If you’re interested in learning more about Utah’s mining history, Seth recommends these books. < Previous Post Next Post > Become A Site Steward Save The Past Back to UPAN Blog Twitter Facebook Instagram LinkedIn YouTube