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Passport in Time: Terrace, Utah

Terrace, Utah

The Utah Division of State History, in association with the Salt Lake City BLM and Cannon Heritage, are hosting a Passport in Time (PIT) project ...

Visit With Respect Ambassador Day

Bears Ears Education Center 567 W. Main St, Bluff

Friends of Cedar Mesa has been hard at work training people to be "Visit with Respect Ambassadors," and these Ambassadors will be out on the ...

Archaeology Day at Fremont Indian State Park

Fremont Indian State Park 3820 W. Clear Creek Canyon Rd., Sevier

Come join us for a simulated Excavation, archaeology lab activities and guided hike around Rock Art Trail!

Johnston’s Army Encampment

Camp Floyd State Park 18035 West 1540 North, Fairfield

Camp Floyd State Park is hosting a Johnston’s Army Encampment on Memorial Day Weekend. The event will allow visitors to experience camp life and participate ...


Spring City Heritage Day

Join us in celebrating Spring City's Historic homes! Sign up to tour 15 houses in the National Register historic district, join in our art auction, ...