The History Ambassador program is designed to be a cohort experience geared towards current university and college students, or those transitioning careers. The Ambassador program is a year-long program for accepted applicants to become more familiar with the Utah Historical Society while working on a program-specific project. Projects will vary year-to-year depending on staff availability to be a mentor to an Ambassador and provide a specific project that can be completed within the year’s time.
The goal of the Ambassador program is to provide paid, in-depth experience for accepted applicants on both the project and organizational levels. This provides an opportunity for participants to get to know our organization deeply and explore potential interests over the course of a year.
- A one-year commitment.
- Paid, hourly opportunity ($15/hour).
- Weekly hours dependent on, and flexible with, participants’ schedule (no more than 12 hours per week).
- Requirements from Ambassador include: quarterly blog post, end-of-year project presentation, and more depending on project scope.
We are currently not accepting applications for History Ambassadors. Please check back for upcoming opportunities, or subscribe to our monthly newsletter here.