The Utah Office of Outdoor Recreation (OOR) offers unique grant opportunities to local governments and nonprofits, including the Utah Outdoor Recreation Grant (UORG) and two new opportunities: the Recreation Restoration Infrastructure Grant (RRI) and the Utah Children’s Outdoor Recreation and Education Grant (UCORE).
At this workshop, the OOR team will walk you through the process step-by-step, helping you create a compelling project submission. In addition, partnering organizations will join us to present other grant opportunities available to communities, including Utah State Parks, which administers the Recreational Trails Program (RTP) grant, and a representative from the National Park Services’ River Trails and Conservation Assistance program (RTCA). RTCA oversees a grant to help get outdoor recreation plans off the ground. Don’t miss this opportunity!
Registration for this FREE workshop is required. Materials and light snacks will be provided.
Overview of OOR Grants
Questions? Please write to OOR staff, Tara ([email protected]) or India ([email protected]).